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Double-degree, is it possible?

wAt the beginning of a university life, you are faced with the most important question: What should I study? In some fortunate cases, you have already narrowed your choices, but you still need to focus. But what is stopping you from just starting a double degree? The voice of options is huge, almost overwhelming, and of course there can be more interesting options.

Plan your double-degree on the long-term

The question is not as easy to answer as it is to ask. A full-time study requires a lot of time on its own (it is full-time), let alone two. But because of the planning possibilities you have, especially at a university, there are ways to combine two (or even three?) subjects well.

In our view, it is essential to set a personal focus. There will always be courses from both studies that overlap. What do I prefer her? In this case, you have to expect that your studies may be delayed. Is that portable? This becomes particularly relevant when the degree progresses with fewer lectures an more seminars and PIs.

Use Synergies

The choice of studies also has a major influence on the possible course of action. Certain studies, such as medical studies or psychology, allow little room for manoeuvre in choosing a second subject due to their own effort. It is not impossible, but certainly a lot harder than combining business studies with another subject. Content similarities in subjects can make it easier to learn for exams, but can also cause confusion if it is similar but not the same. Differences in content make it difficult to establish a connection between the studies, but they can also refresh the the learning process and allow the brain to focus on something else for a while.

Digital teaching as an accelerator

How can or has digital teaching already helped in this respect? Time is often lost while walking between university buildings and locations. This prevents many of them, or at least makes it difficult to plan personal courses. Holding events in hybrid mode or at complete distance makes planning easier. The courses start right in a row? No problem, you log in right at the appropriate time. On days with many events, you might prefer to opt for hybrid mode from home, on others you go to the campus. The same benefits apply to the planning of exams. Priorities should also be set in scheduling and learning planning.

Key Questions

This article is intended to introduce students, newcomers and interested persons to the concept of a double degree and hopefully encourage them to give it a try. In summary, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I have the time and energy to complete 2+ studies?

  • Do I have the possibilities to make the appropriate planning? And this every semester?

  • What is my focus on?

  • Can I live with having to cancel one of them if it does not work anymore?

  • Do I have the financial means?

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